Monday, September 19, 2022

The Manhattan Project, Public Memory, and the Cold War - By Angus Merry

 Title: The Manhattan Project, Public Memory, and the Cold War

Author: Angus Merry

School: Queen's University

Program of Study: Honors Bachelors of Arts in History

Year: 3rd

Course Code: HIS420 - Culture and Society in Cold War America

Professor: Andrew Sopko

Subjects: Cold War, History, Public Memory, Manhattan Project

Type of Work: Research Essay

Grade Received: 91%


New Perspectives on the Roles of Indigenous Testimony in the Narrative History of the Franklin Expedition - By Angus Merry

 Title: New Perspectives on the Roles of Indigenous Testimony in the Narrative History of the Franklin


Author: Angus Merry

School: Queen's University

Program of Study: Honors Bachelor of Arts in History

Year: 3rd

Course Code:  HIST312 - Canadian Social History

Professor: Michael Hamon

Subjects: History, Franklin Expedition, Canadian History

Type of Work: Research Paper

Grade Received: 90%


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Causes and Consequences of Western Alienation and its Effects on the Canadian Federal System - By Mia Daula

Title: The Causes and Consequences of Western Alienation and its Effects on the Canadian Federal System

Author: Mia Daula

School: University of Ottawa

Program of Study: Honors Bachelors of Social Science in Communications

Year: 2nd

Course Code: POL2101 - Introduction to Canadian Politics

Professor: N/A

Subjects: Western Alienation, Canadian Politics, Political Science, Canadian Federalism

Type of Work: Research Paper

Grade Received: To be confirmed


All Eyes on Us: How has interactivity affected media today? - By Mia Daula

 Title: All Eyes on Us: How has interactivity affected media today? 

Author: Mia Daula

School: University of Ottawa

Program of Study: Honors Bachelor of Social Science in Communications

Year: 3rd

Course Code: CMN3103 - Qualitative Methods

Professor: Simeon Mitropolitski

Subjects: Quantitative Research, Media Interactivity, Communications

Type of Work: Research Study

Grade Received: To be confirmed 


What is the allegory of the cave meant to illustrate? Explain... - By Mia Daula

 Title: What is the allegory of the cave meant to illustrate? Explain... - By Mia Daula 

Author: Mia Daula

School: University of Ottawa

Program of Study: Honors Bachelors of Social Sciences in Communications

Year: 2nd

Course Code: POL2107 - Introduction to Political Thought

Professor: N/A

Subjects: Plato's Republic, Political Theory, Political Science

Type of Work: Reading Response

Grade Received: To be confirmed 


To what extent was territorial control the most significant cause of the Armenian Genocide? - By Mia Daula

 Title: To what extent was territorial control the most significant cause of the Armenian Genocide?

Author: Mia Daula

School: University of Ottawa

Program of Study: Honors Bachelors of Social Science in Communications

Year: 2nd

Course Code: POL2104 - Introduction to Comparative Politics

Professor: N/A

Subjects: Armenian Genocide, Comparative Politics, Political Violence, Political Science

Type of Work: Research Essay

Grade Received: To be confirmed


Edward Murrow’s Journalistic Heritage: What impact does Edward’s Murrow’s heritage have upon modern day journalism? - By Mia Daula

 Title: Case Study: Edward Murrow’s Journalistic Heritage: What impact does Edward’s Murrow’s heritage have upon modern day journalism?

Author: Mia Daula

School: University of Ottawa

Program of Study: Honors Bachelors of Social Sciences in Communications

Year: 3rd

Course Code: CMN3152 - Journalism Ethics

Professor: N/A

Subjects: Edward Murrow, Journalism, Ethics, Advocacy Journalism, Communications

Type of Work: Case Study

Grade Received: To be confirmed
